Imagine this.... Ron Paul as well as a host of others are not included! Go and write Reader's Digest and get Ron Paul on the list!!!
Blogged with Flock
Imagine this.... Ron Paul as well as a host of others are not included! Go and write Reader's Digest and get Ron Paul on the list!!!
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Too bad the MSM doesn't pick up on this. And thank goodness that we have outlets other than the MSM!
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Not really Ron Paul related but looks like the US may attack Iran very soon according to this article from Time magazine.
On a side note sorry I have been away for awhile. I've been sick and haven't been doing much of anything.
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Blogged with Flock
Blogged with Flock
If you haven't seen this you've got to. It's amazing how the floks at the got this organized and done in 24 hours! GREAT WORK!
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It seems as though the 2 Ron Paul videos that were leading the pack in thie video challange have been reset myseteriously! So please go vote again and make Ron Paul #1! FYI - There are two Ron Paul videos to vote for!
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Please go and help this Houston reporter start his blog about Ron Paul!
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Dear Mr. Stephanopoulos and ABC News, I was so excited to watch the debate this morning on ABC...thank you so much for airing it ( I only wish that it had been better publicized, because I think many people may have missed it at such an odd hour.)Thank you so much for reminding us which Presidential Candidates require our serious consideration, by pointing out their polling numbers at the beginning of the debate. It was also very thoughtful of you to allow the three fontrunners such ample opportunity to answer questions. It would have been a complete waste of time to allow "longshot" or lesser known candidates an equal chance to discuss issues in front of a national audience. I was also so glad to see that you didn't waste time on trivial issues such as immigration, privacy rights, eminent domain, government spending and usurpation of states rights by the federal government. I am sure we have all had a chance to hear Romney, McCain and Guillianni speak on all of the REALLY IMPORTANT issues. It doesn't really matter what those other "presidential candidates" think, especially since you have already clearly indicated to your viewers that those "also rans" really have no chance to win. I mean seriously, why listen to all 9 of the republican candidates when you can just concentrate on a really makes it so much easier for me. After all, we are ONLY 15 months away from the general election, anybody who would waste their time listening to those other people are just bogging down our system of democracy and wasting media coverage. Sincerly,Molly
ABC News: Republicans Come Out Swinging in Iowa; Spar on Abortion and Iraq
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Jeff Frazee will be broadcasting live from the Iowa Debate and "Spin Room" as early as 8am CT Sunday. If the "Spin Room" is inactive, Jeff will start broadcasting right after the debate around 9:30am CT.
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As a side note, The Today Show is hoping to have a Ron Paul piece ready for broadcast in the next two weeks.
Thousands of "Phantoms" Appear at Ron Paul Mars Rally
As you can see from above!
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