Sunday, September 30, 2007


This was too funny not to post!

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Opinion: Fed Rate Cuts

I've been reading a lot about the Federal Reserve so I figure it's time for me to put in my .02 in the debate about the recent Fed interest rates drop. Therefore, there's no structure to my thoughts so I may ramble a little here.

Inflation has being going on for a long long time. Almost 100 years now since the Federal Reserve was established by congress in 1913 (see Wikipedia for a full history of the Federal Reserve I also recommend the book The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve). During this time you can actually see how the US debt has grown to a catastrophic level of $9,000,000,000,000 (link). You can also see how much your money is actually worth in value of 1800s money (link). It's really not much. I've seen that the value of the dollar from before the Fed is about $0.04 from what it was. Thank you Mr. Federal Reserve! Don't forget the $53,000,000,000,000 in entitlements the government gets to start paying to the baby boomers on January 1st 2008 (link).

Some say that the inflation by the Fed is a hidden tax. I would agree with this. That's why I get my 3% raise every year from my company to keep up with the cost of living. My savings account makes 4.25% which isn't enough to retire on for sure and to put my money in the stock market and invest in the dollar would be just crazy! Especially now with the Fed cutting rates a half a percentage point! (link)

It's crazy! What are they thinking over there in their private meetings? "Hey lets bail out the market and all the people that made bad decisions!" Whatever happened to responsibility? The Fed, from my point of view, essentially said to the middle class and the poor, "Hey we don't give a sh*t about you guys. All we care about is the market and making sure that all these poor decisions to give money to the banks at a low rate (thanks Mr. Greenspan) just to turn around and give it to people who aren't responsible enough to know they can't afford a home. But hey we know it's a huge risk for inflation and puts the dollar in jeopardy of falling world wide. However, you the 'middle class' we don't care about because we just want to make sure all these people who made stupid decisions in the first place get bailed out!" Will you find this being reported on any MSM web site anywhere? Maybe it's out there somewhere but I can't seem to find it. Although watching CNBC yesterday there was talk about "concerns" with inflation and the strength of the dollar due to the Fed cut. I did find this one opinion article that is informative (link).

I tell you it's really infuriates me! Here goes the Fed pissing off countries like China that hold $1.3 Trillion (yes that's Trillion) worth of our dollar and now due to their decision to cut rates and therefore put a ton more money into circulation is totally devaluing their investment (not to mention Americans as well) (link). They are also incentivising us to spend more and more! (link) While the interest rate drop makes saving money not nearly as attractive.

We NEED Ron Paul more than ever! With Hillary touting her new health care plan at a price tag of $110 billion a year and her saying that she would undo Bushes tax cuts on the wealthy to pay for it all (link). Something tells me that if the dollar falls and China decides to unload even part of it's $1.3 Trillion in US dollar holdings Mrs. Clinton is going to have to either get the Fed to print more money out of thin air and pay interest on that money or raise taxes even more! Therefore, this wonderful 3% raise I get every year isn't going to pay the bills. Inflation is the hidden tax and I'm so afraid it's coming soon thanks to the stupidity of the Fed. And these socialist democrats are going to tax me to death and the other republicans just want to spend spend spend to not only remove my rights but to devalue the money I earn every day.

So I say let these banks who lent money to people who couldn't afford it and let the people who knew better than take money they wouldn't be able to pay back rot. I was responsible enough to know better so why should I have to pay for their stupidity? Thanks Mr. Fed I surely appreciate how you are looking out for the middle class and the poor.

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

At least someone is reporting what really happened!

Huckabee Takes Unfair Shots at Ron Paul - Markets - Market Features

Probably the best article I've read about the last Fox News debate!

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MSN Poll Ron Needs Help!

Election Guide 2008 - MSN

Click the link above to vote!! Ron needs help!

Blogged with Flock

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007 Paul up 50% in Poll!

Rep. Ron Paul showed the biggest gain from Grassfire’s May poll, rising from seventh position (6 percent) to a solid third position (13 percent) – more than a 50 percent increase in support among grassroots conservatives. Mike Huckabee’s support also rose, from 3 to 7 percent. “Paul’s rise shows that conservatives are not all that thrilled with the anointed front-runners,” says Elliott. “Paul’s message is resonating with many conservatives, and it would be wise for the other candidates to take note.”

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

In case you missed the debate!

In case you missed the debate and some how haven't seen this yet WATCH!

Blogged with Flock

The Neocons are Klingons!

The Liberty Papers »Blog Archive » Ron Paul vs. Mike Huckabee On Iraq

I love this article just for the pure fact that the author says, "Honor? Have the Neocons turned into the Klingon Empire?"

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Proof: Fox News Censors Ron Paul!

Proof: Fox News Censors Ron Paul

Everyone knows this but check out the article for yourself!

Blogged with Flock

Monday, September 3, 2007

Does Texas Governor know Ron Paul?

GordonUnleashed » Blog Archive » Texas Governor Dissed Ron Paul

You would think that he would know of Ron Paul but apparently he doesn't.  Read the link above for more!

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Smart for a 17 kid!

Ron Paul - A Teenager's Perspective | Ron Paul 2008 Revolution - Ron Paul for President - Daily Paul

This is a really awesome story kind of scary but good!

Blogged with Flock

I'm Constantly Amazed...

I just got done writing several long posts on a message forum I visit and I'm constantly amazed at how little the "average" American really knows about their own country and the candidates running for president! Most of the people I talk too do not even realize how bankrupt our country really is and if you bring it up they call you crazy or a nut. Even when you supply them with several references to stories that have references themselves they don't go and read it they just continue to argue what they have "heard." It's so damn frustrating to have a discussion with ignorant people and people who just refuse to listen to anothers point of view.

I've talked about the Federal Reserve, the petrodollar, dollar hegemony, the fiat money system, the massive spending that our government does and the huge waste it has just to name a few things. However, people seem to have gotten stuck on the issue that Ron Paul is pro-life and they could never vote for someone who is pro-life no matter what. I just shake my head and tell them that if the dollar is undermined and isn't the currency of the world there isn't going to be a government to even enforce the right for a woman to choose. They again laugh at me and call me crazy or a nut.

I guess some people will never listen and learn.

/end rant