Saturday, June 30, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ron Paul wins Slashdot Poll!

Slashdot Poll

Yes this is old but I don't care!  It's the first time I've seen it and I must have missed it being a slashdot reader myself.  Good to see the slashdot community uniting around Ron Paul!

Blogged with Flock

Interview of Ron Paul!

The Book on Paul

This is a great interview of the one and only!  Go check it out!

Blogged with Flock

Another Ron Paul Poll!

Melanie Morgan - Home
Santa Clara County Republican Party of Silicon Valley - Santa Clara County, California

Click the links above and you'll see the poll on the right side of the page.

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Representative John Larson on Ron Paul!

Go Rep John Larson!

Speaking of PajamasMedia Check this out!

RedStateEclectic : Is Giuliani Spamming?

I noticed what this guy's blog is about.  Is Rudy spamming?

Blogged with Flock

Don't forget to vote Ron Paul at PajamasMedia!

Ron Paul Daily News: Ron Paul Poll at PajamasMedia! Go Vote!

When you go to pajamasmedia look for the image you see at the right! Ron Paul needs your help!

Patrick Buchanan Offical Website Blog about Ron Paul

Sobran: The Honor of Ron Paul ::: Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website

I wish I could do more to get the word out like this.  However, at least I'm doing something to spread the word!  I hope you all are reading because this is just another in what seems to be thousands of articles about Ron Paul and the amazing man he is!

Blogged with Flock

AP is aweful!

Can anyone believe that AP report?! It amazes me how the MSM grabs onto the very first thing and spins it around without doing any actual reporting or follow up. Thank goodness there is the net to set things straight!

Mr. Cavuto and Ron Paul

Mr. Cavuto,

Do you ever watch yourself on TV? I hope so because you need to learn some manners!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Can Ron Paul Win?

RedStateEclectic : Can Ron Paul Win?

Check this out.  Great article!

Blogged with Flock

Help Ron Paul in Iowa (Part 2)

The Des Moines Challenge - Saturday June 30th! Rally outside Iowa Forum! - Ron Paul Forums

Another great thread about people going to help out in Iowa for June 30th!

Blogged with Flock

Help support Ron Paul in Iowa on June 30th!

Iowa Road Trip - Ron Paul Forums

Want to help Ron Paul and get the members of the Iowa conference that he was excluded from to notice?  Check out the link above!

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Who needs to register to vote in the Primaries?

If you are in any of the orange states make sure to visit this page below so you can vote for Ron Paul in the primaries!

Ron Paul on NPR!

On Point : GOP Presidential Candidate Ron Paul - GOP Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Just in case you missed it today Ron Paul did an awesome job! Go listen!

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The shot heard around the world!

Iowa Forum Snubs Ron Paul; Accuses Supporters of Hacking into Website - Associated Content

Not really a shot but a nice piece about the "speaking challenged" (aka Ed Failor) with a link to the infamous radio interview.

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

One of the best articles yet on Ron Paul

Lone Star

This is a great place to start if you are looking to find out who Ron Paul is!

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MC Hammer is on board with Ron Paul. Are you?

MC Hammer Blog: 2008 Is Today

This is just amazing that MC Hammer posted a blog about Ron Paul!  Awesome! Go Hammer!

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Ron Paul on Hardball!

Ron Paul -

Click on the story "Ron Paul on his Web-based popularity" and a window will pop open and the video of the interview will start playing. Enjoy!

Blogged with Flock


This is just funny as all get out! Taken from Go there to read the whole thing!

Congressman Paul, what's one plus one?

Well Wolf, that would be two.

Excuse me. That's an extraordinary statement. I don't think I've ever heard that before, and as a survivor of grade school math league, the correct answer is that one plus one equals freedom.

Ron Paul Excluded in Iowa!

From please everyone take action now!!! Email and call to get Ron Paul heard!

Ron Paul Excluded in Iowa

June 19, 2007

Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance will host a presidential candidates forum on Saturday, June 30th in Des Moines. Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, Tommy Thompson, and Tom Tancredo will participate.

Ron Paul, however, will not participate. Why? Because he wasn’t invited.

We heard about this forum from numerous supporters in Iowa who asked why Dr. Paul was not going to participate. Those supporters assumed that Dr. Paul was invited.

The campaign office had not received an invitation so we called this morning; thinking we might have misplaced the invitation or simply overlooked it. Lew Moore, our campaign manager, called Mr. Edward Failor, an officer of Iowans for Tax Relief, to ask about it. To our shock, Mr. Failor told us Dr. Paul was not invited; he was not going to be invited; and he would not be allowed to participate. And when asked why, Mr. Failor refused to explain. The call ended.

Lew then called Mr. Steve Sheffler, president of the Iowa Christian Alliance, to talk with him. Mr. Sheffler did not answer so Lew left a message. He has yet to respond.

Why are the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluding the one Republican candidate who scored at the top of every online poll taken after the MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN debates? Why are they denying Iowans the opportunity to hear from the Republican presidential candidate whose popularity is growing by the day?

We couldn’t get answers to these questions from Messrs. Failor and Sheffler. Maybe you’ll have better luck. Their contact information is below.

It's ironic that on the same day we learned the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluded Dr. Paul from their candidates forum, we received a call from ABC News confirming Dr. Paul’s participation in its nationally broadcast August 5th debate to be held in Des Moines.

Kent Snyder, Chairman
Ron Paul 2008

Contact Information

Edward Failor
Iowans for Tax Relief
2610 Park Avenue
Muscatine, Iowa 52761
Phone: 563-288-3600 or 877-913-3600
Fax: 563-264-2413

Steve Sheffler, President
Iowa Christian Alliance
939 Office Park Road, Suite 115
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
Phone: 515-225-1515
Fax: 515-225-1826

Monday, June 18, 2007

Here's what you can do to help Ron Paul!

Just got this via email. Thought I would spread the word!

Ron Paul spoke to supporters in Phoenix on Saturday and he briefly laid out the plan.

1. Sign up with the campaign at
2. Get into your local meetup groups
3. Donate money for TV advertising, spread the message at grassroots
4. Vote in straw polls, then primary election
WE ARE THE CAMPAIGN so we have our initiative straight from the top. Given this, I'll embellish on Dr. Paul's list.

1. Sign up with the campaign at, register as a republican.

2. Get you and a friend to join or start the local meetup group. This is important because it's our version of a local campaign headquarters.

3. Donate what you can to the Paul campaign. Derive profit from DVDs, t-shirts, stickers, etc. and use it to produce more Ron Paul promotional material and donations to the campaign.

4. Research how to become elected as GOP delegates in your state. If we don't get pro-Paul delegates he won't be nominated by the GOP and this show is over. We should start thinking about who we're going to tap for these roles by December. See the link below for more.

How to become a delegate in your state:

5. Generate as many Ron Paul Republican voters as possible. Get your primary plan together. Get an advance look at your ballot and make sure everybody knows how to mark the stupid thing. Make sure everyone knows where to vote, make sure everyone has a ride.

6. The primaries begin in January with the early states Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida. Naturally, we'll want to focus all the national or regional power we have on those states because we'll make the most national impact. From there it's pretty much a train-wreck. I don't think the top-tier campaigns are going to be any better organized than we are this time. Not if we do our jobs now.

Vox Popoli's interview of Ron Paul

Vox Popoli: Interview with Ron Paul

Check it out! It's pretty good. :)

I especially like this answer/question.

What are the first five things you'd do if elected President?

There's some things you'd like to do but you can't necessarily do all five things in one day. You have to work within the system. On the big things, I'd reduce spending enough to get rid of the income tax and the IRS. I'd change our monetary policy so the Federal Reserve couldn't create money out of thin air, causing problems like inflation, investment bubbles and the ups and downs of the business cycle. One thing the president definitely can do on his own is that I'd immediately start bringing our troops home from around the world. I'd also stop building up missile sites and antagonizing the Russians. The biggest thing would be to get Congress to balance the budget, and we could do that if we were willing to give up on this foreign policy where we're spending hundreds of billions of dollars and getting nothing for it.

Of course, there's a lot more things that we're doing now that I would stop doing. I would never violate habeus corpus, the violation of which has now been legalized. I'd be very cautious not to violate the liberties of the American people. But you can only do what there is a consensus for doing, action requires the cooperation of Congress and the American people.

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Help get the word out in Iowa!

RAGBRAI Riders for Ron Paul: Lance Armstrong Picks Spencer, IA For Special RAGBRAI Stop

Just trying to help the folks in Iowa get the word out about Ron Paul!

I am putting a call out for any Ron Paul supporters that live in Iowa and/or are riding in RAGBRAI. Let's chat. RAGBRAI would be a great place to spread the word about Ron Paul and the timing of the event could not be better.

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This is why we need Ron Paul as the next president!

Just to give you some tid bits of what this article is about.

Donald Vance, a 29-year-old veteran and an American citizen, the desire to play a small part in a big event would lead to the scariest experience of his life. While in Iraq, he was neither a victim of a roadside bomb nor taken prisoner by insurgents. Instead, he was held captive by the U.S. government — detained in a secret military prison.
A military panel, which reviews charges against detainees, eventually questioned Vance and Ertel. Both men were given a document that said, "You do not have the right to legal counsel." The men say they could not see all the evidence used against them and did not have the legal protections typically afforded Americans.
Donald Vance and Nathan Ertel have now filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government and Donald Rumsfeld, who was secretary of defense when they were detained. It is generally very difficult to sue the government, but experts say this case may be different because Vance and Ertel are American citizens; they were civilians held by the U.S. military; and they were detained for such a long time.
Now that I have wet your taste buds go read the whole thing!

Ron Paul Poll at PajamasMedia! Go Vote!

Well it took me awhile to realize where to click to vote for Ron Paul but I finally fount it! See the image to the right? When you go to click it and vote for Ron Paul! He needs help!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Interesting Ron Paul Satistics

Ron Pauls most important numbers » iAustin

An interesting blog post about internet traffic on Ron Paul's campaign site versus the other's sites and what that means.

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Ron Paul on FOX News! (UTube)

Here's the UTube video of the FOX News interview. If you do go to the hotair link below read the comments. Very interesting how ignorant the comments are.

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Ron Paul on FOX News!

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: The Only Man Who Can Save America talks Rudy, Fred

The link to this site has the video!  AWESOME!

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Ron Paul comes in Second in NTU Straw Poll!

Fred Thompson Wins Straw Poll (National Taxpayers Union)

Fred Thompson wins but Ron Paul was second with 16.7%!

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Response to Article - Rx: Dr. Ron Paul

This is one impressive response to the article.  A must read!

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Ron Paul on July 4th!

Get started making and staging your "Ron Paul for President 2008"
signs in the early evening of July 3rd 2007. Then in the wee hours
of July 4th hit the streets in your city or town plastering the signs
everywhere you can!

Overpasses, street corners, along highways, in store fronts, in front
of media outlets newspapers, television networks, anywhere and everywhere!

When America wakes up on the 4th of July they will see the Ron Paul
revolution move from the internet into the streets!

Special thanks goes out to hardworking and dedicated Jim Palmisano
AFTF/RTR State Coordinator for Missouri for this excellent idea!

Don't believe in the North American Union? Check this out!

This is also on with more. Very scarry!

Another Missinformed Journalist

WorldNetDaily: Why Ron Paul is disqualified

Why is it people say things like this:

The main reason is this: He isclueless about the nature of the threat we face from Islamo-fascism. Heis clueless about the nature of the conflict in the Middle East, a subject I have studied intensely for 30 years.


Let me tell you something else that disturbed me about Paul's position on amnesty for illegal aliens.

In the most recent debate, he implied amnesty wouldn't be such abad idea if we could stop attracting illegal aliens with welfare-stateprograms.

This demonstrates, again, a fundamental misunderstanding of why illegal immigration is so threatening to our country.

Hardened criminals come to the U.S. illegally.

Terrorists come to the U.S. illegally.

Drunk drivers come to the U.S. illegally.

Millions of low-skilled workers come to the U.S. illegally and transform our culture.

Yes, I would like to dismantle the welfare state, too. But itwould still be no substitute for securing our borders and enforcing ourimmigration laws.

Something tells me this guy hasn't really done his homework on Ron Paul because anyone who has will realize that this is just dead wrong.

Feel free to email the author Joseph Farah to set him straight at

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List of the writings of Ron Paul archived by subject!

Here is a nice list of the writings of Ron Paul archived by subject. Want to see what Ron Paul thinks of the how the government responded to Katrina, how to get out of IRAQ. Hate crime, Gun Control, Supporting the troops, Federal Reserve. Get a very useful tool for spreading the word on Ron Paul.

Congressman Ron Paul Archive
Crazed Hate Crime Laws
They threaten freedom.
The Path Out of Iraq
First, Congress must admit its crime of giving the Executive war-making power, says Ron Paul.
Guns vs. Crime
Ron Paul on the massacre that could have been stopped.
Where's the Exit?
Ron Paul on the one easy step in getting out of Iraq.
The Answer to Racism
Liberty, not government, says Ron Paul.
The Most Dangerous Monopolist
Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve.
The Big Book of Crimes
Ron Paul on the 2008 federal budget.
Making Iraq Even Worse
Ron Paul on the Democrats.
War Is the Enemy of Freedom
Ron Paul interviewed by Michael Shank.
Dr. No on More War Funding
No, says Ron Paul.
Don't Blame the Market
For the housing bubble, says Ron Paul.
The Original American Foreign Policy
Ron Paul on why it's still the right one.
The Right To Keep and Bear Arms
Even (especially?) in DC.
The Scandal of US Foreign Policy
And the scandal of Walter Reed.
The Coming Meltdown
Of "entitlements."
What the Fed Is Doing to the Economy
Ron Paul on Bernanke's mischief.
The Neoconservative Empire
Stop the war, stop threatening war, and bring the troops home now. Article by Ron Paul.
Ron Paul advises President Bush.
More War Spending
And more, and more.
Stop Glorifying Political Power
It's the enemy of the rule of law, says Ron Paul.
Everybody Supports the Troops
Let's move on to the real issues.
Monetary Depreciation and Killing
Ron Paul on inflation and war finance.
Stop All Foreign Aid to Israel, Egypt, Jordan, et al.
That would be a contribution to peace, says Ron Paul.
Will Bush Pull an LBJ?
Will he phony up an Iranian Gulf of Tonkin incident?
George the Warmonger
Ron Paul on the escalations.
No Welfare for Foreigners
Welfare for domestics is quite bad enough.
We Need a Surge of Liberty
Not more tyranny of war, says Ron Paul.
Don't Blame the Euro
Blame the Congress and the Fed, says Ron Paul.
Foreign Policy and the Prince of Peace
Or do they worship the Prince of War?
George Washington Was Right
It's long past time to return to his foreign policy, says Ron Paul.
Is Foreign Policy a One-Man Show?
Yes, but that is unconstitutional.
'The' Problem
It's monetary inflation, says Ron Paul.
Time To Abolish 'Selective Service'
Military slavery is always a pure evil.
The Land of the Free Lunch
It will, or ought to, miss Milton Friedman, says Ron Paul.
The Entitlement State is Coming Down
Ron Paul on the demographic reality.
The Gun Controllers Haven't Given Up
We must keep our powder dry, says Ron Paul.
The Waco Summit
And the Nafta superhighway.
Do Tax Cuts Cost the Government Money?
That is the wrong question, says Ron Paul.
Taxes, Spending, and Debt
Ron Paul on the real issues.
'Birthright Citizenship'
Time to rethink it, says Ron Paul.
Diagnosing Our Health Care Woes
Dr. Ron Paul on the government disease.
Amnesty and the Welfare State
Ron Paul on immigration.
Time for Immigration Reform
Now, says Ron Paul.
Big Government Always Fails
And must. Ron Paul on the Law of Opposites.
A North American United Nations?
Ron Paul on another establishment scheme.
Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke
On "plunge protection," fiat money, and the Fed.
Want To Cut Medical Costs?
Here's how, says Ron Paul.
Trade With China, Yes
Subsidized trade, no.
The Threat of Property Taxes
Especially rising ones.
Why I Voted Against the Israeli Resolution
It's dangerous and wrong, says Ron Paul.
The Yoke of the Fed
Ron Paul on the inflation tax.
Your Enemy, the Fed
Ron Paul on what it does to your savings.
Time for a New Declaration
Ron Paul on what we have forgotten.
Undermining the Regime
Ron Paul on why the American people are so angry.
Global Gun Control
Having failed in the US, the disarmers try the UN.
Congress Rejects UN Taxes
But not, unfortunately, US taxes.
Bipartisan Evil
Ron Paul on the annual foreign-aid ripoff.
Stop the NAIS
Ron Paul on the totalitarian animal ID system.
Don't Commit the Crime
Ron Paul on avoiding war with Iran.
Thanks, Ben
Ron Paul on the declining dollar and eroding personal savings.
Upset at Gas Prices?
Look at US foreign and monetary policy, says Ron Paul.
Soaring Gas Prices
Ron Paul on what Congress can do about them.
The 'Academic Bill of Rights'
It's a trick to suppress dissent on US foreign policy, says Ron Paul.
The Sicker and Sicker Dollar
Ron Paul on what the gold price is telling us.
Rumsfeld Is Not the Issue
The government's use of force is.
Hands Off Iran
And no murderous sanctions either, says Ron Paul.
Your Money or Your Life
Ron Paul on April 15th.
The Next Neocon Target
Ron Paul on Iran.
Should the Children of Illegal Aliens Be Citizens?
Stop "birthright citizenship," says Ron Paul.
A Tribute to the Late Harry Browne
Ron Paul on a great libertarian.
The Perils of Economic Ignorance
And what to do about it.
The Nature of Government Debt
Those who borrow never repay.
International Taxes?
Ron Paul on a UN scheme.
Bringing Sunshine to Mordor
Ron Paul on opening up Congress.
The Port Security Controversy
Constitutionally, this is not the president's decision, says Ron Paul.
The Federal Hurricane
Ron Paul on Katrina relief, six months later.
Silence the War Drums!
Ron Paul to the congressional Gene Krupas.
Why the US Hates Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela
Ron Paul on the end of dollar hegemony.
A Real DC Scandal
Ron Paul on the Fed.
Abortion Is None of the Feds' Business
Same with all social policy, says Ron Paul.
New Rules, Same Game
Ron Paul on congressional "reform."
Federal Courts vs. Freedom
Ron Paul on the growth of government power.
The Real DC Scandal
It's the leviathan state, says Ron Paul.
A Symptom Not a Cause
Ron Paul on DC scandals.
Peace and Prosperity in 2006?
Only if we limit the feds.
Big George
Ron Paul on domestic surveillance and the Patriot Act.
The Proper American Foreign Policy
It would favor peace over war, trade over sanctions, courtesy over arrogance, and liberty over coercion.
What Do Rising Gold Prices Mean?
Less faith in the paper dollar.
Rothbard vs. Bernanke
Ron Paul on continuing Fed propaganda, and the antidote.
So-Called Deficit Reduction
Ron Paul on another Republican fraud.
Slashing the Budget?
Don't make me laugh.
The Trouble With Federal Deposit 'Insurance'
And increasing it in the name of decreasing government spending.
Too Little, Too Late
Ron Paul on spendaholic conservatives and their talk of cutting back.
The Evil of Foreign Aid
Ron Paul on a bipartisan scam.
Big Lies and Little Lies
Ron Paul on the phony justifications for aggressive war.
George Reisman Is Right
We need a free market in gasoline, says Ron Paul.
Hands Off Syria
Stop the foreign-policy lunacy.
The GSE Crisis
Stop pumping up the bubble!
Picking the Pennies Off Dead Men's Eyes
Will the death tax ever be repealed?
Another Tax Reform Fraud
It's government spending we need to cut first, says Ron Paul.
Federal Courts Are Political
Ron Paul on the Miers nomination.
Should We Stop Killing and Being Killed?
Ron Paul on leaving vs. staying.
Deficit Hurricane
Ron Paul on the DC spendathon.
Coming Cat 5 Hurricane
Financial, that is.
Cat-5 Government
Ron Paul on the response to Katrina.
The Evil of Standing Armies
Ron Paul on "why we fight." And why we really do.
Some Things You're Not Supposed To Think About
Ron Paul on gasoline, taxes, and Middle East policy.
Hey, Big Spender
Ron Paul on the feds.
Borrowing, Spending, Counterfeiting
Ron Paul on the federal parasite.
The Answer to Judicial Tyranny
Strip the federal courts of their power, as the constitution allows, says Ron Paul.
Immigration and the Welfare State
Ron Paul on the nexus.
The Sausage Factory
Make that the poison-sausage factory. Ron Paul on how federal edicts are imposed on us.
Questioning Greenspan
Ron Paul vs. the Counterfeiter-in-Chief, 1997-2005.
Advancing the Police State
Ron Paul on the 4th anniversary of the Patriot Act.
Ron Paul and Alan Greenspan
Mr. Sound Money vs. the Counterfeiter-in-Chief.
Don't Start a Trade War With China
Ron Paul on the protectionist menace.
Don't Expand the Police State
Ron Paul on the Patriot Act.
The Party of Big Government
Ron Paul on the Republicans.
Suicide Terrorism
Ron Paul on how to stop it.
Cafta and the War on Supplements
Ron Paul on globalists together.
What Should America Do For Africa?
Not have our politicians send their politicians our money, says Ron Paul.
We Have No Jurisdiction in 'Kelo'
Ron Paul on what the Supremes should have said, and the war on property.
The Psycho State
Ron Paul on federal "mental health" screening for school children.
The UN Cannot Be Reformed
Because it is inherently illegitimate, says Ron Paul.
Global Central Planning
Ron Paul's speech on the floor of Congress about the WTO.
Conservatives Expand UN
To use it for conservative world government.
Questions for Greenspan
The famed Q&A between Ron Paul and the Fed chairman, 1997-2004.
Missing the Point
Ron Paul on federal funding of stem-cell research.
The Guilty Fed
Ron Paul on dollar erosion.
Get Out of the WTO
We need free trade, not world government, says Ron Paul.
No More Bank Bailouts
Not by the taxpayers.
Don't Believe the Lies
About a "national ID." It is meant to control you, not terrorism or illegal immigration, says Ron Paul.
Repeal the Patriot Act
Ron Paul on the federal powergrab and moneygrab.
Health Freedom
Don't let the FDA restrict our dietary supplements, says Ron Paul.
Why Fund UNESCO?
Ron Paul wants to know.
Being Pro-Life and Pro-War
It doesn't work, Ron Paul tells conservatives.
The Ordeal
And the hypocrites.
Defender of Life
Ron Paul on John Paul II.
The Iraqi People Are Worse Off
Despite administration propaganda, says Ron Paul.
The Pro-Life Movement
It must be a matter of changing hearts, not an empowered central state, says Ron Paul.
Patriotic Extortion
Ron Paul on the drunken-sailor spending.
Deficits Make You Poorer
Ron Paul tries to teach the Republicans a little economics.
Tax Reform Is a Shell Game
Ron Paul on why Lew Rockwell is right.
The Maestro Changes His Tune
Ron Paul on Alan Greenspan and gold.
The Federal Trojan Horse
Ron Paul on the national ID.
Your Papers, Citizen!
Ron Paul on the totalitarian national ID.
Democracy Isn't Freedom
In Iraq or America.
Psycho Feds Target Your Children
Don't let Bush give them mental exams, says Ron Paul.
Bollixing Up the World
Ron Paul on US foreign policy.
Your Papers, Citizen
No Soviet-like internal passports, please.
One Evil of Government IDs
They make identity theft easy, says Ron Paul.
Only Private Charity for Tsunami Victims
Government "help" is evil on several levels.
Hands Off the Electoral College
One of the remaining anti-democratic artifacts of the constitution.
The Police State
America is far from immune, says Ron Paul.
'They Hate Us Because We Are Sooo Good'
Ron Paul on reality and Iraq.
What Has NED Done in Ukraine?
That's the National Endowment for Democracy (Neocon Edifice of Dissimulation).
The National (Socialist) ID Card
Down with it, says Ron Paul.
The Dying Dollar
Exposed by gold.
The Federal Feel-Up
Ron Paul on airport security bullies.
Ignore the Neocon Warmongers
Stay out of the Sudan's civil war, says Ron Paul.
Bush's 'Mandate'
Ron Paul on the alarming election and post-election.
Another Republican Disgrace
Ron Paul on raising the debt limit.
Get Out of the Middle East
And stop all the foreign aid.
House of Cards
Ron Paul on Social Security.
All Hail the Electoral College
The alternative, says Ron Paul, is mob rule.
A Real Threat to National Security
Ron Paul on government debt.
'I Have a Plan…'
Never trust a politician with a plan, says Ron Paul.
Free the District of Columbia
Let the people be armed, says Ron Paul.
The 9/11 Stupidity Bill
More bureaucracy, more intervention, less freedom.
The Draft Is Slavery
Reject it, always and everywhere, says Ron Paul.
Down With the Imperial Judiciary
Let's clip their wings, says Ron Paul.
Can the Constitution Be Saved?
Video of a congressional speech by Ron Paul.
The Disastrous Federal Marriage Amendment
It's an attack on liberty and traditional values, says Ron Paul.
The IMF Con
Ron Paul on Keynes's monstrosity (well, one of them).
Can the Constitution Be Saved?
Video of a congressional speech by Ron Paul.
Restrict the Federal Courts
Don't let them usurp, says Ron Paul.
The Therapeutic Nanny State
Ron Paul on the police state, child division.
Psycho Government
Psychiatry comes in handy for our rulers.
Reject the Federal ID Card
It's totalitarian, says Ron Paul.
Ron Paul's GOP
Texas is, as usual, way ahead of the US.
Ron Paul Interviewed By Brian Lamb
On the 9/11 Commission scam (video).
The 9/11 Commission Fraud
Ron Paul on another state charade.
Police State USA
Ron Paul on why 'safety' does not equal freedom.
To Protect Marriage
Curb the judiciary, says Ron Paul.
Worse Than Useless
Ron Paul on the public circuses called conventions.
Peace and Free Trade
Ron Paul on what our relations ought to be with China and Taiwan (video).
Hands Off Sudan!
Ron Paul on yet another criminal venture by the US government.
A Peace Candidate on the Ballot
Let's break up the two-party monopoly, says Ron Paul.
Aids Welfare for the World
Ron Paul on another DC disaster.
None of Your Business!
Ron Paul to the feds.
A Vicious Tax on the Middle Class
Ron Paul on government spending.
A Real Conservative Rating of Congress
The New American rates the crooks and clowns of Capitol Hill. Needless to say, there is only one hero: Ron Paul.
Ron Paul wants US independence.
Freedom From the UK Was Step One
Now we need freedom from the US.
The Trouble With Forced Integration
Ron Paul on the unfortunate Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Another Bush Welfare Scheme
Ron Paul on "zero-down" mortgages for the politically connected poor.
Torture, War, and Presidential Powers
Ron Paul is Mr. Constitution.
The Wages of Empire
Debt, debt, and more debt.
The Same Old Middle-Eastern Baloney
Ron Paul on the axis of incompetence.
Building the Dictatorship
Ron Paul says No!
Freedom or Security?
It's a false – and dangerous – choice, says Ron Paul.
No to Foreign Aid
Ron Paul on the latest incarnation of this evil.
The War on Drugs Is a War on Doctors
Ron Paul on the federal assault on people in pain and their physicians.
Don't Start a War With Iran!
Ron Paul on the warmongering wackos.
Cut the Con Game
Ron Paul on the abuse of prisoners in Iraq.
Passing the Buck in Iraq
Are pfc's really the culprits?
No 3rd Party Payments
Ron Paul on free-market medical care.
The Lessons of 9/11
Ron Paul on why foreign meddling matters.
Government Ghouls
And their war on pain sufferers.
Federal 'Justice'
Ron Paul on constitution-violating judges.
An Evening With Ron Paul
Steve Yates on the last real American in DC.
LOST at Sea
Ron Paul on the rotten Law of the Sea Treaty.
Don't Expand Nato
In fact, let's rethink the whole idea.
Praise the Troops, Fine
But shut up about "victory."
The Folly of Fed Interest Rates
Ron Paul on the damage of Greenspanism.
An Indecent Attack on the First Amendment
Ron Paul on the latest federal censorship scam.
A Perennial Gift From Greenspan
Monetary depreciation.
It's alive and well, says Ron Paul.
Get Out of the Way
Ron Paul's advice to the government.
Eliminate Federal Court Jurisdiction
On marriage, abortion, education, and a host of other issues, says Ron Paul.