Tuesday, June 12, 2007

CNN Political Ticker is now Moderated!

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So I just posted a comment on the horrible blog over on the political ticker, but get this... the moderation is turned on.  What a joke CNN!

Here's the blog post I tried to comment on.

Here's what I posted, which has the real story.

From: http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=43454

CNN Muff GOP Ron Paul 'First-Class Seat' Coverage?

Monday, June 11, 2007 - FreeMarketNews.com


FMNN feedbacker "Dave" responds to the CNN report that only Ron Paul flew first-class of all the GOP candidates returning to Washington DC after the recent GOP debate. He claims that former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore did, too.


To confirm this report, FMNN called sources close to the Gilmore campaign. These sources indicated that Jim Gilmore - who always flies coach - had indeed been "bumped up" to first class. He may in fact have been seated in front of Ron Paul, as FMNN feedbacker Dave indicates.

CNN seems to owe viewers a clarification.

The network has already found it necessary to explain in some detail how its "political ticker" group managed to "disappear" an entire slew of pro-Ron Paul posts after the past GOP debates.

CNN should clarify this smarmy little story as well.

The story is important not for information about who sits where on a plane, but because it provides evidence of media bias that has been consistently denied by major mainstream players. By providing a popular "grass roots" campaign, Ron Paul has triggered the media mechanism that seek to discredit freedom and free-markets - and provided ongoing evidence of the mechanism in action. The Internet now provides a vehicle to expose the workings of mechanism.

FMNN provided the story from the CNN political ticker website, as follows:



Which GOP candidate flies first class?

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Seen on board the 6 a.m. US Airways flight 1159 from Manchester, New Hampshire to Washington: No less than five GOP presidential candidates: Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, former Virginia Gov. James Gilmore, and Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas.

Four of the five candidates sat in coach.

The lucky candidate who flew first class? Ron Paul.

The candidates were all flying back after facing off Tuesday night in a spirited debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, sponsored by CNN, WMUR-TV, and the New Hampshire Union Leader.


But FMNN feedbacker "Dave" seeks to correct the record as follows:



To underscore the lack of inclusion of the facts of the matter, and just to set the record straight. ... Congressman Paul was NOT the only one of the five to fly first class. Former VA governor Gilmore also flew first class, sitting in front of RP.

There were 4 seats in first class left open on that flight. Given US Airways' standard option to upgrade to first class for a nominal sum of $50-$100, the conclusion one would reach is that the other 3 candidates simply chose not to fly in the first class cabin on that particular flight. Congressman Paul had approximately 2 hours of sleep that morning after having visited and met with virtually all of the 300+ supporters at the after-debate-celebration at a nearby venue in Manchester. (Thank you for your gracious appearance, RP!)

Finally, RP cashed in frequent flier miles to upgrade to first class a week in advance, rather than take the chance that first class might be booked full for that flight. CNN obviously spun the story based on leaving out the facts, or they are simply so poor at reporting any story as to not be believed. BTW, my sources are solid for this comment.

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